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Two young spanish men, with a university education, are tired of unemployment and decide to move to germany. The screenplay was written by gregory nava and anna thomas, based on navas story. As i mentioned, the story is a bit dated, but overall, the truths it depicts havent drastically changed. But soon they will find out that finding a better living is not as easy as they expected. And from a scribble on a piece of paper, a culinary adventure was born, which today, has become a tapas restaurant in palma which satisfies curiosity, and which brings together explorers with delicious moments. With antonio velazquez, belen cuesta, kimberley tell, manuel burque. Ils decident demigrer en allemagne pour tenter douvrir les portes qu. Las audiencias del primer episodio fueron en total 4. The movie was first presented at the telluride film festival in 1983, and its wide release was in january 1984. Esta protagonizada por antonio velazquez, belen cuesta, elisa mouliaa, terele pavez, entre otros. Unfortunately things arent so easy, especially if you are spanish and dont know a word of german. The movie was first presented at the telluride film festival in 1983, and its wide release was in january 1984 the picture was partly funded by the public broadcasting service pbs. Gracias al profesor javier paredes y a sus invitados. Its attractive and cool retrochic decor includes wooden tables, old chequerboardtiled floors, wooden bar with stools, exposed stone walls, and a warm hospitable.

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